You need to copy that entire folder and all its contents, into your vMix ‘VirtualSets’ folder. Take a quick look inside – if you see some image layers and a file called config.xml, then that’s the virtual set right there. After you’ve unzipped it you’ll see a folder. So, once you’ve downloaded your set, you’ll get a zipped file. – that’s where you need to copy your virtual set files TO. It’ll be somewhere like C: > Program Files (x86) > vMix > VirtualSets VMix stores its virtual sets in a folder called ‘VirtualSets’. Hi there! So – how do I get my virtual set into vMix? Well, the good news is – it’s very easy! The way to check, is to make sure that you can definitely see a config.xml file directly inside the folder you’re about to copy, otherwise vMix just won’t recognise it as a virtual set at all. So just make sure before you copy any folders that they’re definitely the actual virtual sets, and not a containing folder above them. Studio 1 for example has four different vMix sets for the wide angles, depending on how many screens are visible in shot.

Note: Some of our studios might have more than one vMix set for a single camera angle. You need to copy that folder into the directory where vMix stores all its virtual sets. A vMix virtual set is basically a folder of images, along with a configuration file that tells vMix where to position each layer, and in what order.